Találatok oldalanként:


Kategória Probléma Lezárta Megjegyzés Mikor
Zul'Farrak FS#25588 Mobs with incorrect HP Aithne 14:27:12
Core FS#25688 Heroic loot tables still broken Aithne 14:25:32
Barrens FS#25248 Razormane hunters pets Wyky 14:20:26
Wetlands FS#25240 [QUEST] Reclaiming Goods Wyky 14:15:17
Redridge Mountains FS#25354 The Everstill Bridge turn in quote Lightguard 13:52:45
Badlands FS#25442 Battered Footlocker - Lockpicking Lightguard 13:50:47
Redridge Mountains FS#25464 Underbelly Scales + A Baying of Gnolls Lightguard 13:47:05
Nagrand FS#25718 [NPC] Debug elemental visible in Halaa Aithne 13:42:14
Redridge Mountains FS#25468 Underbelly Scales Lightguard 13:39:56
Uncategorized FS#25030 [QUEST] Apotechary Antovich Wyky 13:39:03
Darnassus FS#24908 Emissary pathing Darnassus Wyky 13:31:20
Tailoring FS#25702 Wotlk special cloths Aithne The locati... 13:27:31
Alchemy FS#25706 Transmute: Titanium no CD Aithne 13:27:01
Mining FS#24056 Mining Titansteel Bar Aithne 13:26:58
Enchanting FS#25712 Abyssal Shatter Aithne 13:17:09
Naxxramas FS#23894 Nax Kael'Thuzad add Higi 12:22:36
Naxxramas FS#25378 Kel'Thuzad addok a terem sarkaiból nem tűnnek el add phase után Higi 12:22:21
Icecrown FS#24602 [QUEST] The Hunter and the Prince Higi 12:07:53
Icecrown FS#22394 Argent Vanguard és Valley of Echoes területeken beakadsz a levegőben Higi hopefully ... 12:07:31
Icecrown FS#25308 Putridus the Ancient Higi 12:07:09
Shattrath City FS#24902 Guild Vault shattrath Wyky 11:49:23
Dragonblight FS#25324 Alystros the Verdant Keeper Higi 11:42:06
Dalaran FS#25454 Silver Covenant Guardian Mage Trespasser! Higi 11:41:13
Shattrath City FS#24900 Shattrath City Peacekeeper equipment Wyky 11:40:33
Classes FS#25696 Shadowmeld does not drop combat versus hostile mobs. Chris 11:32:34
Dalaran FS#25538 Sewer NPCs Higi 11:31:23
Dragonblight FS#25598 [NPC] Sarathstra Higi 11:23:17
Dragonblight FS#25594 Movement of dragons Higi 11:22:53
Dragonblight FS#25602 More mobs should be as elite Higi 11:07:21
Howling Fjord FS#25646 [QUEST] Anguish of Nifflevar Higi 11:04:01
Dragonblight FS#25652 [NPC] Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Higi 10:54:32
Dragonblight FS#25654 Wrathgate Forsaken maradványok Higi A plague w... 10:53:28
Utgarde Keep FS#25682 Second to last pack (Proto drake+rider) doesn't move Webby 10:52:35
Dragonblight FS#25678 [NPC] Qannik Higi 10:49:53
Shattrath City FS#24894 Khadgar equipment Wyky 10:41:41
Utgarde Keep FS#25500 Ingvar the Plunderer fight bugs Webby 09:56:22


Revízió Leírás Szerző Mikor
76504... Core 3.3.5: - fix typo Jayd 14:06:59
a2c48... Core 3.3.5: - refactor some script Jayd 13:50:47
329eb... core 335: - added support for linkedtrap summon for node manager - movement related fix Chris 13:47:12
e4651... core 3.3.5: Fixed issue that cause client to get rekt when a condition is met (shouldn't bother us anyway to check it)) Higi 12:05:51
dfda1... core 335: Shadowmeld Chris 11:31:54
12651... core 335: shadowmeld Chris 10:18:09
4cb99... core 335: fix temp threat Chris 10:03:59
e2ab1... core 335: oops Chris 09:33:46


Kategória Probléma Lezárta Megjegyzés Mikor
Shattrath City FS#24892 Grand Anchorite Almonen Wyky 23:49:33
Shaman FS#25648 Ancestral Spirit Chris 23:47:03


Revízió Leírás Szerző Mikor
cb24f... core 335: Fix resurrection hp/mana amount Chris 23:46:56
de4e5... core 335: cache for node spawn Chris 22:34:14
e6f57... Core 3.3.5: - fixes spell Jayd 22:19:03
2cb39... core 335: Backport node spawn from mop Chris 19:42:00