Results per page:


Category Issue Closed By Comment Date
Talador FS#51298 Gordunni Cleaver 79234 Higi 15:58:54
Talador FS#51300 The Final Step 34912 Higi 15:58:36
Talador FS#51336 Dreadpiston 34959 Higi member, it... 15:54:55
Talador FS#51338 Blood Golem 81795 Higi 15:53:03
Talador FS#51340 Sharpfang Stalker 76685 Higi 15:51:35
Talador FS#51342 Desperate Measures 34092 Higi 15:49:25
Talador FS#51348 Frost Wrynn, Arcane Sanctum: Garrison Portal Higi 15:43:51
Talador FS#51424 Gas Guzzlers 34579 Higi 15:39:34
Talador FS#51426 Dropping Bombs 34840 Higi 15:32:53
Talador FS#51444 The Lord of the Gordunni 34870 Higi 15:24:40
Talador FS#51514 The Battle for Shattrath scenario éledés Higi 15:22:43
Talador FS#52080 Quest - An Eye for a Spy Higi 15:05:52
Talador FS#53366 Unleashed Steel - 35102 Higi 15:04:18
Talador FS#53372 Command Table - 81649 Higi 14:49:27
Talador FS#53498 Olivia Abbington - 81358 Higi 14:46:14
Talador FS#53502 Seek Out the Seer - 33871 Higi 14:44:32
Talador FS#53752 Quest - Why Is The Brew Gone Higi 14:40:52
Talador FS#53754 NPC - Thunderlord Hunting Horn Higi 14:34:53
Talador FS#53762 Quest - The Battle for Shattrath Higi 14:27:11
Talador FS#53770 NPC - Forest Stalker - dead but sliding around Higi 14:15:07
Talador FS#53784 Quest - The Lord of the Gordunni Higi 1. Fixed ... 14:13:07
Talador FS#53850 NPC - Foreman Eksos - Changing Outpost Higi Horde Vers... 14:07:11
Talador FS#53974 [NPC] [81658] Overseer Axefist is talking gibberish Higi 11:34:03
Talador FS#53788 Quest - Frenzied Manafeeders Higi 11:33:13
Draenor Nagrand FS#53862 Ring of Trials - The Burninator (Captain Boomspark) Higi 11:28:43
Tanaan Jungle FS#53878 Overlapping NPCs Higi 10:58:30
Draenor Nagrand FS#53868 NPC - Sabermaw Mauler/Sabermaw Mystic/Sabermaw Scarfang Higi 10:58:23
Draenor Nagrand FS#53872 Quest - Earth, Wind and Fire...and Water Higi 10:55:02
Draenor Nagrand FS#53864 NPC - Burning Flameseer Higi 10:17:56
Draenor Nagrand FS#53860 NPC - Gorian Cohort Higi 10:12:02
Draenor Nagrand FS#53858 NPC - Gorian Gladiator Higi 10:11:43
Draenor Nagrand FS#53842 NPC - Thaelin Darkanvil - Changing Outpost Higi 10:11:03
Draenor Nagrand FS#53516 Hastily-Written Note - 233185 Higi 10:08:00
Draenor Nagrand FS#53160 Quest - And Justice for Thrall Higi 10:02:14
Draenor Nagrand FS#50788 Hemet Nesingwary - 82163 Higi 09:47:38
Draenor Nagrand FS#50588 Goldtoe's Journal - 233741 Higi 09:18:13


Revision Description Author Date
63312... core 7.3.5: - Talador & Nagrand fixes Higi 16:09:44
8a3c2... core 735: more shop opcodes Chris 13:36:57
84745... core 7.3.5: - Removed: While the server being on WoD last content patch any players leveling up to 100 will now automatically learn Draenor Pathfinder > Reason: This feature was only introduced after Shadowlands by removing the requirement from game ... Higi 12:34:10
1a27f... core 7.3.5: aaaaand a typo :D Higi 11:49:06
7aeac... core 7.3.5: - Fix Typo in Creature Pool initial state - While the server being on WoD last content patch any players leveling up to 100 will now automatically learn Draenor Pathfinder - Fixed all reported bugs in Nagrand (Draenor) Higi 11:48:31


Category Issue Closed By Comment Date
Draenor Nagrand FS#48014 Ring of Trials - Crushmaul won't move Higi 14:36:38
Draenor Nagrand FS#47932 Visual - Dirgemire, dialog bunny visible on minimap Higi 14:19:43
Draenor Nagrand FS#47928 Visual - Called to the Throne, dialog bunny visible on minimap Higi Fun fact, ... 14:19:23
Draenor Nagrand FS#51344 NPC - Warleader Tome Higi 13:08:17


Revision Description Author Date
23ea6... core 735: shop base packets works Chris 22:51:19
45b30... core 735: Fix crash Chris 20:47:08
a02b9... core 735: more shop related packet fix Chris 20:40:27
d5dc7... core 735: more variable names Chris 15:45:25
ec9b0... core 7.3.5: - Misc warning fix Higi 15:27:32