Találatok oldalanként:


Kategória Probléma Lezárta Megjegyzés Mikor
Core FS#26680 Mobs ignoring facing requirements Chris 15:34:20
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26712 Unyielding Knight (NPC) Higi 15:11:32
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26720 The Exorcism of Colonel Jules Chris 15:02:19
Uncategorized FS#26282 Giddy up achievement not working. Webby 14:50:26
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26708 Beneath Thrallmar (quest) Higi anim is co... 14:42:48
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26706 How to Serve Goblins Higi DC után jó... 14:30:24
The Stockade FS#25458 Mobs in the Stockades move too fast Webby 14:30:00
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26664 Misplaced bonfire Higi DC után jó... 14:27:08
Azuremyst Isle FS#26550 Quest: Help Tavara Higi DC után jó... 14:18:18
Ghostlands FS#26354 Moving trolls in the air Higi Haxx Fixed... 14:11:33
Core FS#26704 Hungarian afk text Chris after rest... 13:59:44
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26666 Disrupt Their Reinforcements Higi scales are... 13:59:23
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26668 Waste Not, Want Not (Quest) Higi DC után jó... 13:42:26
Howling Fjord FS#26624 [Quest] Two Wrongs... Higi DC után jó... 13:35:12
Zul'Drak FS#26500 zul'drak - 2 bugged quests Higi DC után jó... 13:30:16
Icecrown FS#26436 Quest The Sum is Greater Than the Parts bugged Higi DC után jó... 13:22:00
Rogue FS#26212 NPC from Alliance Rogue Poison Quest missing, rendering quest uncompletable Chris 12:56:31
Core FS#26308 Stealth bugs Chris i hope, i ... 12:54:43
Westfall FS#26372 Bugged rouge quest Chris 12:43:31
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26472 [Quest] Rampaging Ravagers (9385) Webby Requiremen... 10:50:30
Barrens FS#26390 Forged Steel quest, cant turn in Webby 09:39:14
Dustwallow Marsh FS#26318 Skinning loot table for Mudrock Spikeshell Aithne 08:51:07
Herbalism FS#26662 Herbalism loot tables Chris after rest... 08:11:58
Jewelcrafting FS#25948 Prospecting Copper Ore doesnt work correctly Chris after rest... 07:28:18
Uncategorized FS#26640 Items of Power Chris after rest... 07:04:46
Mining FS#26284 Solid stone Aithne 03:23:56
Skinning FS#26080 Some critters not skinnable that should be Aithne No critter... 03:21:29
Uncategorized FS#26618 Forest Song (Ashenvale) vendor Aithne 03:05:35
Fishing FS#26530 Reinforced crate Aithne 02:54:33
Hellfire Peninsula FS#26594 Small mobs exploit Aithne 02:15:23
Death Knight FS#26636 Noth's Special Brew possible misuse Aithne 02:01:11


Revízió Leírás Szerző Mikor
e99b9... Core 3.3.5: - fix FS#26282 Webby 14:50:18
f8ec7... core 335: stealth Chris 12:40:16
05682... Core 3.3.5: - misc Webby 10:24:13
f047e... core 335: misc Chris 10:22:33
90fdd... Core 3.3.5: - FS#25984 Webby 09:09:02
7a22f... core 335: Fix race condition Chris 08:51:55
081ba... core 335: Fix [Items of Power] Chris 07:04:33
69c54... core 335: misc Chris 04:57:41
e85cc... core 335: misc Aithne 02:37:14


Kategória Probléma Lezárta Megjegyzés Mikor
Searing Gorge FS#26294 Searing Gorge Wyky 00:11:26


Revízió Leírás Szerző Mikor
f644e... core 335: tempfix for crash Chris 16:04:30


Kategória Probléma Lezárta Megjegyzés Mikor
Rogue FS#26290 Deep Cover Wyky DC/restart... 18:14:49
Uncategorized FS#26440 Stealth with Faery Fire Chris after rest... 18:03:49
Uncategorized FS#26452 0 xp from mobs after you level if already pulled before level Chris after rest... 17:43:49


Revízió Leírás Szerző Mikor
86e6c... Core 3.3.5: - fix deadloop Jayd 19:09:50
3da2d... core 335: Need Before Greed checks for weapons and trinkets Aithne 18:29:38
d119e... Core 3.3.5: Deep Cover Wyky 18:20:46
ceaba... core 335: Added npc's Faerie Fire spells to Faerie Fire aurastate Chris 18:03:30
d0849... core 335: better fix for prev. commit. Ty Aithne Chris 17:48:39